Do you think I make her come alive? When she sees me and we make our exchanges, does she come away different–somehow better? One of my greatest hopes is that I will touch the lives of all those I care for and leave them improved and enriched.
I wonder what she’s doing right now. I’d imagine if she’s out she’s probably laughing and smiling with her friends and flirting with some other guy. It’s incredibly unfair how I can get jealous at her flirtations. For one, I am one of the hugest flirts out there. Two, she is really nothing to me. She’s just a crush.
How do I define a crush? Well, I think a crush is distinguished from actually liking someone when you know nothing will happen between the two of you. It’s sort of like what I had earlier this year–and truthfully what I will always have–for another girl who will remain nameless.
Despite the assurance that nothing will come of all of the kind looks, the warm embraces, and the sweet words, I trudge on–taming her with attention and lulling her with charisma. Still, it’s nothing really to cry over.
The chase, afterall, is the best part of the game. One of the many tricks of staying in stable relationships is to make the transition from the passion of the chase to the normalcy that avowed affection always brings. How do you keep things spicy? It’s very simple, but a lot of work. Sometimes it’s just not worth it.