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A Note About Coop, Enjoying What You Do, Programming for Hire, and Working with Incompetence

There’s only about a month left until co-op is over. Some people really enjoy their time working over the going to class. I’m not really one of those people. I hate waking up early, and would rather wake up at twelve and have class until eight then work that many hours starting in the morning.

So, I’m looking forward to going back to school. Not only because I won’t have to wake up as early, but also because I enjoy my major! Yes, I actually enjoy programming. I don’t really know how you can major in something and not enjoy it. It seems like a huge waste of time.

When the Spring comes, if you (yes, you!) need any help with programming of any kind, please feel free to ask me. I enjoy teaching others, and as long as you are willing to learn, I think I will be able to help. I will also do any programming assignment totally for you, given enough time and cash! My rates are reasonable and are calculated by taking the amount of time you have given me, the difficulty of the assignment, and the value of the assignment to your final grade into consideration.

This passed Summer term, someone you all know and love (edit: tolerate), asked me to do an entire project…for free! That is totally ridiculous, and should never be attempted by another living soul. It’s one thing to be a close friend and ask me something like that, but for an acquaintance to do so is insulting. It would be like me asking for your first born child…or just its foot.

The situation made me wonder about the people I will be working with in the future. I’m sure to encounter more persons like that one, and I’m fearful. What can I do against such incompetence? I dread having to work harder to compensate for another, whose sole excuse is idiocy.
