Today will be the last day of my co-op at Drexel Universitys Korman Center. Although I hesitate to call my time spent worthwhile, thinking of the alternatives makes me grin a lucky seven. I figure I
ll miss the loads of free time I had to write on AA which will now be spent swamped by linear algebra homework (I think itll be my hardest class) but there will also be more time to be with friends.<br><br>After reading All2Swift
s grand and ongoing tale of love and life I feel the urge to write about similar things. The problem is that all the people that I would bother writing about either know about or read this page. I could change names around but I know it woudl still lead to problems. Women get all ansy when you mention the slightest bit of interest you may have in them. Luckilly I`ve decided upon a course of action that will not only accomodate my urge to set my life to paper but also to have people read about it as if it was important. We all like to feel important no?