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I just had an employee evaluation. Overall I am an outstanding worker, YAY! Despite endless hours on AA and chatting away on AIM, I have managed to complete all my work with blazing efficiency and brilliant clarity. Go Jamie! Its your birthday. Get busy. Ok, well this evaluation signifies that co-op is almost over. It was a nice run all in all. I learned a few new things (not much) and met a few nice people. <br /><br />Soon, spring will be here, and with it will come homwork, books, and teachers dirty looks – and maybe if Im lucky, a tasteof love? Spring is the time of rebirth and renewel, when spring comes, you just get that feeling in your loins like you want to procreate right there on the lawn. haha, well maybe not actually that, but it would be totally awesome to fall in love and have that loved returned. <br /><br />It feels like its been ages since my baby princess and I parted but it has only been since September. Thats almost half a year that Ive been single. The thought is off-setting considering that she and I only went out for 16 months.

Its not like Ive been feeling lonely or anything, it`s just that having a girlfriend might be cool right about now. One who will hold me as tightly as I hold her and spend days with me basking in light and nights with me sleeping in my arms. *sigh …. to love …. to be loved … is there anything else we need?