I talked with her yesterday about kissing. In a kiss, there lies infinite potential. It can be one of those, “ewww, too much spit kisses,” or one of those “OMG!” kisses, or even an “I belong to you” kiss. My personal favorite is the “hold me close and never let me go” kiss. That one where you meet your partner in a tight but soft embrace, look down/up into their eyes, and softly touch lips. The safety and comfort that each feels is interpreted by the other, and the kiss is deeper but still graceful. And then, lips part, and they cling to each other, as if theyre they were born together to die together. Oh yea, that
s good stuff. So the next time you kiss someone, think about what it means to you, and then what it means to them. A kiss is more than words, more than a gift, it is the representation of love and affection – two abstract terms made real and whole and tangible.