ARG! I totally blew it. I suck big nuts. Too bad I think I really like her … ah maybe its for the best? It
d be hella hard to see her. UGH! Im gonna go lay down and die. Night.<br /><br />Yeah, as I was saying earlier this morning, I really suck. I totally A &F
ed on her. I dont know what it was about her, but I was a total dumbass. Not to say that I
m an unconfident person but I really couldve have been a better date. You know how it is when you have so much to say but you try so hard that you wind up saying nothing? This will be an experience to learn from. On the plus side, I think that all of my other friends had really good times (not that Ididn
t). Especially Kiet and Pauline. Sunny slap that butt!